-Start Here-

Holding Space Practice takes you on a journey toward balance, peace and resiliency. Once you complete this path, you with have a new foundation to build on!

Are you new to Holding Space Practice?

Start your journey


Three Steps to Begin

Take the free discovery course

Apply for the 12-month program

Schedule a free one-on-one call.

Start Your Journey

Step 1: Free Discovery Course

This FREE Discovery Course gives you a useful sample to preview of the kinds of things we teach at Holding Space Practice. This is a stand-alone course that will give you tools and exercises that you can use over and over again.

Even if you choose to enroll in our full program, take time to learn the Free Sample material. This is a true, stand-alone course.

Continue your Journey

Continue exploring

Step 2: Submit Application

The 12-month program is broken into trimesters. Deadlines for application are in December, April and August.

The application for the 12-month program is also a tool for self-discovery. Even if you choose not to join the program, there is value in completing the application process

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Ask questions

Get questions answered

Step 3: Schedule a free call

In our call, we will get to know each other. There is no obligation. This is where you can ask questions and learn more details to see if this is a good fit for your current goals and needs.

A Holding Space Practice Mentor will go over your application with you to make sure you are a good fit for the program.

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In the meantime, email [email protected] to schedule a call!

Is this really for me?

The 12-month Holding Space Practice begins in 2025.

Like climbing a mountain, it takes preparation, time, and work. You can never appreciate the view from the valley. We will guide you. You will see.

We all have blind spots that keep us from moving ahead on our journey.

Holding Space Practice resources introduce information about how the human brain and nervous system work. It then helps you recognize how YOUR system works in real time, especially when you are triggered and have automatic defense patterns to deal with those triggers. Unhealthy and unhelpful defense patterns include addictions, immature emotional responses and other harmful and self-sabotaging behaviors.

Holding Space Practice has carefully designed resources to help you gently discover the patterns and habits that your life experience has built over time. You are given exercises and tools to help you upgrade your unconscious habits.

Truly, this is a journey.

It is not easy.

It takes time.

Ah, but the results of your hard work brings priceless

peace and freedom.

--Until you grapple with and understand your history, your mind is enslaved by the mind-tracks that were laid in your past history that don't take you to peaceful, happy places.

--Once you have done enough inner-child work, the last thing you experience is self-compassion and to see and love yourself as the Creator sees and loves you. At this point you can get out of your own way and spend your energy to help others on their journeys.

--Kim Meissinger

Get Started Today!

Take the Discovery Course

Get the Learning Series

Fill out Application Tool

Schedule a Mentor Call

You can do this, too!

Every Holding Space Practice mentor has walked this path and can guide you on your journey.

Over the course of two decades of searching, answers emerged...

...I learned how to hold space for myself, my family and others. Life is much smoother and happier...

--Carol Webster

Holding Space Practice helps you learn tools that you keep for the rest of your life!


All rights reserved. 2015-2024