
Free Discovery Course

Sometime you "get what you pay for". In this case, you will get MORE than you pay for. This Holding Space Practice Sample Course will teach you valuable tools.

Don't miss this!

Even if you choose to enroll in our full program, take time to learn the Free Sample material. This is a true, stand-alone course.

Discovery Course Overview:

Module 1: Stories You Tell Yourself
Module 2: Anger- A Mask for Fear and Pain
Module 3: Resolving Unwanted Emotional Responses

Module 1: Stories You Tell Yourself

Module 2: Anger- A Mask for Fear and Pain

Module 3: Resolving Unwanted Emotional Responses

Module 1: Stories You Tell Yourself

Module 1 teaches how to become more aware of your thoughts and the emotions that follow. Viewing our thoughts as internal stories helps us take a step back and practice being the observer of what we are thinking. It is from this more neutral place that we can change our thinking patterns and experience positive internal change.

Module 2: Anger: A Mask for Fear and Pain

In Module 1, you learn how to become aware of your thoughts and the stories you tell yourself. The mind thinks in stories, that is why we are all captivated by books and movies. Using a familiar story, Module 2 looks at an example of a common emotion all of us experience--anger. When we think of the "story" underneath the emotion of anger, it helps us deal more compassionately with others--and ourselves--when it comes up.

Module 3: Resolving Unwanted Emotional Responses

After exploring storytelling and some common reasons for anger, we are ready to tackle some big emotion. Module 3 will help you learn how to create space within yourself to better observe and handle emotions. Breath is a core method for opening that space and a very helpful tool when beginning this journey. Once you've created more internal space, you are in a better place to choose next steps without being taken hostage by your emotions.

Free Discovery Course

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Free Discovery Course

This is a free, no-strings-attached gift from us to you!