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Carol Webster

Little Carol

My HSP Story

I was a Silent, Secret Sufferer.

From my late teens until my 40s, I looked happy and successful on the outside, but behind closed doors I was suffering more than I ever let on. I knew I had “some” depression and anxiety that I kept secret, but I was able to cope with the worst of it by spending time alone, isolated from everyone. I hid myself because I was so emotionally charged that I was afraid I would say or do something hurtful. If I didn’t interact with anyone, I wouldn’t snap at them or melt down into a puddle of tears. The intense feeling would eventually pass and I could enter back into society again.

Keeping my internal struggles invisible was how I coped.

Being a mother was a lifelong dream, but parenting was much more difficult than I had imagined. I tried so hard to be a sweet, patient and loving mom. But my internal monsters would not let me, and it made me and my children miserable. I used to cope with depression and anxiety by shutting myself away from everything and everyone, but you can't leave infants and toddlers to fend for themselves until the darkness passes. I had no idea how to get my children to "behave." I was exhausted and starting to realize that there was a medical term for the symptoms I felt called fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and depression.

I heard a professional's message loud and clear, “if fibromyalgia is not resolved, it leads to either lupus or MS.” I was determined to find solutions. I wanted to raise my children and be around for grandchildren!

Over the course of two decades of searching, answers slowly emerged...

...I learned how to hold space for myself, my family and others. The Holding Space Practice is where I wrote down and organized the methods and practices that took me from miserable to calm, peaceful and healthy!

I am on a mission to help others find answers for themselves! This is why I have built Holding Space Practice. I'm so grateful for my mentors and for those I have mentored along this journey.

Personal Life

When people ask me "What do you do?" I have led with "I'm a homeschool mom of 5". I have truly loved the journey of building a functional, thriving family. I have been building websites like this one since 2009 when I started a homeschool co-op . I have been the program director for Compass USA since 2012. I started studio yoga in 2013 and became a certified Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga teacher in 2016 and have actively studied and applied the Science of Ayurveda.

All of the above began after I married my dear and supportive husband, Eric, in 1993.

Before that... reaching waaaay back... I loved singing from the time I was small girl and studied (and eventually taught) voice, piano and violin. I was a cosmetologist, I was a missionary in Peru and have had a plethora of volunteer positions in my church. I received a BA in Linguistics and did humanitarian trips to Bolivia, Guatemala and Peru and worked for the dentist that started one of one of the humanitarian groups I was involved with. Later I moved to Tucson, AZ earned a MA in Linguistics. I taught classroom Spanish for Elementary kids, College kids and Homeschool kids.

My life has been full, wonderful and challenging. I'm happier and healthier now than I was in my 20's, 30's, 40's and early 50's. The long journey to good physical and emotional health was SO worth the time, money and effort!

Challenge Profile

Some symptoms and challenges I have dealt with over the years:

~ Fibromyalgia


~Chronic fatigue

~Childhood sexual trauma



~Hyper vigilance

~Hyper critical (aka perfectionism, scrupulosity)

~Pre-term labor bedrest- 5 out of 5 pregnancies

Influential Mentors

~Kim Johnson (yoga teacher)

~John D. Andre (D.C.)

~Kim Meisinger (Bioenergy Therapist)

~Charlotte Mason (20th century author and teacher)

~Becky Baily (author)

~Jesus Christ (my Guru)

Favorite Additional Resources

https://www.carolbwebster.com/ will take you to additional resources that I love and manage, but especially check out the yoga area (https://www.carolbwebster.com/yoga).

2 Favorite Quotes

"The mind is a terrific servant but a terrible master." -Kim Meisinger

"Opposition enables choice and furthers growth." -Dallin H. Oaks

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]

Text: 816-213-2340

Online scheduler:

FAQ image

Family and yoga

Traveling with Eric

Yoga retreat

I love gardening

How Teena sees me

Doodling to internalize