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Adriane Ragan

Little Adriane

My HSP Story

Holding Space Practice came into my life at a crucial time in my early 30s when I was navigating intersecting challenges that often come with marriage, motherhood, career, and changing personal identity.

Through the principles and tools I learned in this program, I was able to unblock significant emotional obstacles to my everyday happiness and wellbeing. In all the ways–physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually–I changed.

I started showing up differently for myself, my husband, and our children. My thoughts and actions better reflected my authentic self and divine potential. I was more knowledgeable and better practiced at working through intense emotions, uncertainty, and holding space for others in my life who were working through their own “stuff.”

I can say, with the most sincere endorsement, Holding Space Practice transformed my marriage from something that felt like a lot of “work” embedded with frequent conflict, to a cherished, enriching, and re-energizing relationship I look forward to being a part of every day.

On the motherhood front, the transformation has been equally significant. I went from being an overwhelmed, reactionary, and fear-filled mom to a mom that trusts my instincts, honors my children’s unique gifts and learning trajectories, and can be the calm container as my children learn to regulate their own emotional experiences.

Because of what Holding Space Practice has given me and my family, I am deeply committed to sharing it with others. I have a passion for supporting and mentoring women in the Holding Space Practice program, especially young adults and mothers with special needs children, in their individual journeys of self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

Personal Life

Family has always been a central part of my life. I grew up in a big family (7 siblings) and spent a lot of time with extended family enjoying celebrations, Sunday dinners, reunions, and camping trips. I feel very fortunate that I grew up with a great family and a foundation of values and morals that empowered me to make many life decisions with a great degree of spiritual freedom.

My husband and I met working outdoors together and share a love of nature, wild places, good books, and international foods. We married in 2006 and welcomed sons in 2013, 2016, and 2023. Our journey as a family has been like most-–filled with good times and hard times. I can look back now and see how the more challenging circumstances were a part of how we spiritually matured and learned a great deal about ourselves, what is important to us, and how to navigate things like sickness, uncertainty, and change.

In the professional part of my life, I have delved in many fields over the last 20 years, including natural resource management, community partnerships, technical writing, and teaching. Nowadays, I have the opportunity to channel my years of building academic knowledge and work experience from these areas into raising children, running a household, and serving my community. It is the most fulfilling work I could imagine! Hard some days, but always rewarding. Professional work now is more self-directed and varied based on opportunity and where I am led to focus time and energy outside of my family and home.

Other pieces of my life that bring me joy and which you may find me engaged in throughout the year are:

~ teaching Polynesian cultural dancing (a part of my ancestral heritage),

~cooking international foods,

~hiking and exploring the mountains and swimming holes of the American Southwest

,~doing random craft projects with our kids,

~studying maps and geography,

~serving with the youth at church, and

~enjoying the great film adaptations of Jane Austen.

Challenge Profile

Some of the symptoms and challenges I have dealt with over the years:

~ Codependency / People pleasing

~Hyperemesis Gravidarum (severe pregnancy sickness) for 3 out of 3 pregnancies

~Postpartum depression

~Overheating, irritability

~Seasonal asthma

~Overwhelm and anxiety

Influential Mentors

Influential mentors and teachers in my life:

~Dr. Vasant Lad (Ayurveda)

~Ina May Gaskin (Midwifery, natural childbirth)

~Thich Nhat Hanh (Meditation)

~Magda Geber and Janet Lansbury (Parenting)

~Rachel Peters (Yoga, Ayurveda)

~Carol Webster (Yoga, emotional resilience)

~Dave Ramsey (Financial peace)

~Paramahansa Yogananda (Yoga)

No list is complete without acknowledging Jesus Christ as my greatest mentor. His teachings and example have guided my spiritual growth in every aspect of my life.

2 Favorite Quotes

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

~ Jesus

Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything-–anger, anxiety, or possessions-–we cannot be free.

~ Thich Nhat Hahn

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FAQ image

Sharing heritage


Yoga retreat

I love the outdoors

Precious gift

Growing my artistic expression